Powder Skirts in Full Fashion at the 67th Stowe Derby

Ski CenterFebruary 28, 2012

Every year brings it own set of challenges and REWARDS, and the 67th running of the Stowe Derby will go down as one of the most Epic Derby’s of the decade.


The numbers were a little lower than usually at 547 skiers this year, but the spirits were higher than ever after Mother Nature finally rewarded all skiers and snow lovers by delivering some 36 inches of white powdery gold on Mt. Mansfield this past Friday. The buzzing energy was palpable as Stowe Derby participants ultimately benefited from this great blanket of joy, complete with the most perfect day Stowe has had this Winter. Clear blue skies, picture perfect sceneries and a new course were all part of the perfect story, along with powder skirts, ProGo cameras, a full roster of NCAA and High School racers.


The Stowe Derby is more than a ski race, it is the most exciting ski experience to be had. Traditionally, the race starts at the top of Mt. Mansfield and ends in the Village of Stowe, some 20 km down the road. But history has it that often times, Mother Nature has other plans in store, and the race course has to be altered in response to some force of Nature, generally involving snow. 2012 was just one of those years – at least until last Thursday… Pressured by time and the challenging logistics of running a point to point event, organizers had to commit to a new course and a new finish due to the lack of snow in the Village. And then… the snow came, just a little too late to be able to bring back to original course.


Few racers seemed phased by the change of course and the TopNotch finish. Actually, the skiers seemed to welcome the change and embrace the fact that the race was going on despite the many challenges Mother Nature has thrown our way this winter. It was going to be one of those years, and everyone was going to be flexible no matter what. And given the perfect conditions on race day, no one was about to complain about a thing.


The short course started and finished in the TopNotch field. The course was spectacular with the majestic Mt. Mansfield plastering the background of every picture perfect angle of the race. Fast times and good times were had, see the results page for more information of all category winners.


The top tear of both the skate and the classic race were fully loaded with huge cannons this year. Dozens of Dartmouth, UVM, Middlebury NCAA Nordic skiers eager to have a little fun after two big days of racing at Trapp Family Lodge in the Middlebury Carnival.

The Skate race was won by Rogan Brown, age 20 of UVM in 46:24, followed by Scott Lacy, 21, of Aspen CO, in 46:54.8. Juergen Uhl, an ex-UVM ski team member, ’09 NCAA champ, ’10 Birkie Classic Champ captured the bronze in 47:35.2.


On the women’s side, Stowe’s and VTXC Robyn Anderson, 24, once again skied to gold in only 51:25.4. Megan Killigrew, 33, of Putney VT was second with 55:44.5 and Isabel Caldwell of Peru, VT, 19 finished third in 56:22.3.


In the Classic, Juergen Uhl was untouchable and comfortably took the gold with a time of 50.20.1. The silver went to a young 17 year old skier of the Czech Republic and a High School student at Holderness School at 54.02.3. Russell Primeau, 20, of Newport, VT completed the leader board with a 54:11.7.


Three Stowe favorites ski ladies took over the podium: Robyn Anderson once again stole the show for the women stopping the clock 1:00:39.4 despite a bonk during this golden performance. Ruth McGovern, 22, was second with a 1:03:15.9 and Mary Stewart close behind in third with a 1.04:23.


The SWIX Derby Meister Title went to Robyn Anderson and Juergen Uhl. The EverBank team Challenge went to the SWIX team, Robyn Anderson, Sam vonTrapp, Juergen Uhl and Ryan Kerrigan. Special recognition to the ALL women Meister team, Carrie Nourjian, daughter Ashley Morton, and Stowe Mountain Resort Marketing girls Kim Leslie and Tori Milne.


For a complete set of results, visit www.stowederby.com.


The Derby organizers would like to sincerely thank everyone (and you are too numerous to all name) who has helped with the success of the race. Stowe Mountain Resort, Trapp Family Lodge, the Nordic Barn, TopNotch Resort, Stowe Parks and Rec, the Mt. Mansfield Ski Club.  The Stowe Rotary, Rusty Nail, the Stowe Reporter, Stowe High School, Stowe Police, MVP Health Care, SWIX, EverBank, and all the generous sponsors who make this event possible.  Sincere thanks to Jim Fredericks for announcing, Wendy Velander with the GoPro, starters Lori Furrer and Cap Chenoweth, timers Ethan and Terrie Wehse and Hank Elitzer, Sporty Bell, Kim Brown, Tom Sequist and Al Coppock.  Finally, thanks to all the participants who make this event so special and unique.  Please send us your best pictures of post them on the Stowe derby Facebook page.  Let the good memories last a while.
See you all next year on February 24th, 2013. Always on the last Sunday of February.

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