BirkieTour Set for Jan. 18, Sign Up by Jan. 4 to Save

Ski CenterDecember 20, 2013

BT to XCSkier 10.13

(Birkie press release)

Sign Up NOW for the 2014 BirkieTour!

Sign up by January 4 to Save $10 … PLUS Get Your Long-Sleeved T-Shirt, Guaranteed!

* This year’s participants will be the first ones to ski a Birkie event that starts and finishes at the brand new Birkie Ridge trailhead!



A Birkie skier looking for a long, supported training day

A skier thinking about the Birkie event, but unsure about being ready

A skier who loves to ski, but is not interested in ski racing

  • A New Twist This Year!

The BirkieTour, now in it’s fifth year, regularly attracts up to 800 participants. This year those skiers will be the first ones to ski a Birkie event that starts and finishes at the brand new Birkie Ridge trailhead!  Birkie Ridge is located right off Hwy 63, two miles north of the Seeley township (where you would normally turn off on Hwy “OO” to head to the “OO” trailhead.) Birkie Ridge is known for its beautiful overlook. and, it’s just a 2.5K ski to where this new section connects with the main Birkie Trail. For your comfort, there will be a giant heated tent for late registration and the chili feed and post-ski party. See the course description on

  • Great Snow and Grooming Conditions Already!

We already have plenty of snow–more than 24 inches to-date–and already the parking lots have been full of skiers coming from all over to enjoy some the best early skiing in years. Conditions should hold for a great day for the BirkieTour on January 18.

  • Event Goodies … Over 150 Door Prizes … Big Chili Feed!

Everyone who signs up by January 4 (the day before the next fee increase) is guaranteed a great long-sleeve Tour shirt. Everyone gets specially designed commemorative 2014 BirkieTour pin. There are already over a 150 door prizes ready to go, and some of these will be given to those who pick up their bibs the day before the event, on January 17. The chili feed is from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm so whether you ski fast or slow and enjoy the aid stations and warming cabins along the way, there will be hot chili waiting for you at the finish. All the festivities take place in the giant heated tent at the Start, with plenty of tables to sit, eat, and hang out with friends after you ski. You can even get credit for skiing a Worldloppet event by completing the 43K distance!

Do it by January 4 to Save $10 and Guarantee Your Shirt and Pin!

Get complete details and register online at For questions, call the Birkie office at 715-63405025 or email us at


The BirkieTour is Presented by Brent Carslon, MD of Chippewa Valley Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, and by The Cabin Stop – Hayward. It is also supported by Nordic Ridge, New Moon Ski & Bike, FITS, Hammer, and GU.

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