Six tips to avoid knee injuries while skiing

Ski CenterApril 11, 2022


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Knee injuries while skiing is a great fear of anyone who loves this activity. They occur quite frequently since the knee supports a large part of the body weight, and it is common to make turns with the foot supported while skiing.


This gesture can lead to very severe injuries, and it is better to know how to prevent rather than cure. Here are some useful tips to avoid suffering a knee injury while skiing.


Be in good physical shape

Although it may seem logical, many people do not prepare for skiing. When skiing, the gestures we perform with the knee are very difficult to imitate in another context to prepare us, so having a good general physical condition is essential.


We will need to perform not only cardio exercises to be able to ski for long periods but also strength and balance exercises. Having strong muscles will help the muscles support some of the force that would otherwise be transmitted to the joint.


Meanwhile, working on balance will prepare the soft tissues to cope with unexpected stresses. Thus, ligaments, tendons, and others will have greater reaction speed to a sudden movement, which will greatly help avoid injury.


Even if it is difficult to simulate the exact gesture, practice all kinds of jumps and turns… any preparation will do. This preparation should be done at least three days a week for several weeks before skiing.


Don’t stop learning to ski

A nice sporting gesture is crucial in this circumstance, as it is in many others. Taking classes is a good method to learn, and every ski resort will provide you with this option. In this way, you will learn how to distribute your forces correctly and act in the different situations that may arise while practicing this sport.


On the other hand, going with an experienced skier can also be a good way to take care of your knee while skiing. Watch his or her gestures, ask any questions, and, if he or she is willing to help you, make sure you both go on several runs together so that he or she can see and correct you.


Choose the right equipment

Another fundamental element is that the sports equipment must be adapted to each person. Everything must be adjusted to our physical conditions, from the height of the poles to the skis’ length and shape to the boot’s size and the protective equipment (helmet, goggles…).


Make sure that you can wiggle your toes in your boots but that they are tight and that your feet don’t bounce. Skis will vary depending on your skills or experience, but they should generally be the same length as your height. You should also be comfortable holding the poles.


Keep an eye on the weather

The resorts always give daily information about the slopes. And now, with the internet, you can be well informed in advance. It is important to know what the visibility conditions will be.


The condition of the snow is also a vital factor. Powder, hard, wet, spring… there are many, and they will impact how you ski at any given time. You should consider your previous experience and physical condition when choosing the slopes you are going to ski.


To take care of your knee while skiing, rest!

You have gone on a trip to a resort you like and want to take advantage of all the time you can… but remember the importance of rest. We must give our bodies time to recover from our demanding efforts.


So, after a day of skiing, it will always be preferable to calmly take the rest of the afternoon. A swim, a short walk, dinner, and eight hours of sleep are the best ways to prepare for the next day.


On the other hand, if we decide to spend the whole afternoon in the town or city, walking and sightseeing -or even worse, going for a run-we are adding stress to structures that are already quite stressed. Similarly, if we go out partying and do not get enough sleep, we do not give the body time to prepare itself.


Be aware of your limits

Finally, keep in mind that most skiers do not compete for medals. Therefore, we must know how to enjoy the adrenaline, speed, and pleasant sensations that skiing provides without gambling too much.


You must know your limits, choose the slopes according to your abilities, and not dare go down a path you do not know in adverse weather conditions. If you are consistent, your skills will improve, and you will be able to conquer that red or black slope that resists you.


But remember to learn to walk before you run. It’s always better to be cautious than to risk tearing a knee ligament while skiing.

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